Habitual behavior

In the process of development of the industry in the field of web design, users get used to new patterns, an understanding of the work of certain elements is created, as a result, a stable set of actions performed by a person in certain conditions is formed.

However, this is not always the case.

The icon of three dots / three horizontal lines is easily recognized by a person as a menu, the bell icon - as a notification, the cross icon - as the “close” action. All these skills have become patterns of behavior, and a web designer, as a creative person (most likely), sometimes tries to change these patterns.
А теперь сами ответьте на вопрос: веб-дизайнер - творческая личность?
Do not break traditional behavioral patterns if users have already formed the skills to behave in your particular case.

If you want to innovate in your product, it is better to change the trajectory and create something new in a different direction, for example, in the “Product Cards” block or in the “About the Company” informative block.

Otherwise, you will encounter misunderstanding and inconvenience experienced by users in the process of working with your product.

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